Please join us for my performance and art installation
VERA AND THE WATINGROOM presented at eks-rummet in Copenhagen.
My alter ego Vera has transformed the artspace eks-rummet into an installation in which she is waiting for better times to arise. She is sick and tired of being part of a race which no longer seem to care for the planet they are all living on. An anxiety has also started to manifest in her everyday life concerning a deep worry to survive, both as an individuel and as a collective. She knows it is time to change and take action but she is too exhausted and has created this space to hide (yes, she is not proud of this) which reminds her about the days she was counting days sitting at home during the recent lock-down due to COVID-19.
You are very welcome to visit her and listen to some of her writing which she is eager to share with you.
Private view thursday september 23, 5pm-8pm.
You are welcome.
Opening hours:
September 24, 2pm – 5pm
September 25, 2pm – 5pm
September 28, 2pm – 5pm
September 29, 2pm – 5pm
September 30, 2pm – 5pm
October 1, 2pm – 5pm
October2, 2pm – 5pm