Everything falls into place at sea.

For 5 days I have lived and worked on the museum boat Rylen. Visual artist Jens Bohr was the helmsman, and my good friend Morten was on board as a guest. Morten has taken many of these pictures.
We sailed in the Limfjord in Denmark.
From city, to island, at sea.
On Thursday we de-patterned, but my soul still flows.
I got in touch with all the important things; life, nature and art. The wind drove us from place to place. In his very own time, when the ego seemed to disintegrate.
There are days when I can’t get it together and there are days when I can’t get IT together. It stings. But being on the water DOES heal.
Everything I couldn’t see before, I can see now.
Crystal clear.
Maybe because I lost not long before departure. Maybe because I had sat in a women’s circle the day before conscription and felt the power.
My soul is water.
All impressions must now pass through my senses and nervous system. Here they must be kneaded into art and words.
Rylen 2023 is part of a larger project. I don’t like the word ‘project’ when the experience has been so lyrical. But it is a project. And you can read about that on the Johannes Larsen Museum’s website.
Right now I’m letting myself slosh on the edge.
Coastal stretches, seals, hummingbirds and butterflies ‘far out’ on the water, otters, Lemvig Museum where I fell head over heels in love with Thøger Larsen’s fascination for astronomy, the Religious Museum, an acupuncturist, a digger/church minister/gardener, a church, Jens Bohr taught me to pick Limfjord’s oysters, open and grill them, clearly my favorite way to cook them, lapping waves, cabins, fishermen and all the unseen that feels deep.
I could write a whole book about Jens Bohr. But right now I just want to say THANK YOU to him for letting me come on board.
And thanks to Morten for being there as an eternal, always helping, attentive hand.
10 visual artists and 10 writers take turns to come aboard Rylen in 2022 and 2023
Rylen sails in Limfjorden for most of August 2023
The Funen artist Jens Bohr is the skipper of the entire trip
The tours in 2022 and 2023 lead to a series of exhibitions in 2024 as well as a book publication
Follow the journey on Facebook: Rylen i Limfjorden
Invited visual artists: Svend Allan Sørensen, Mia Nelle Drøschler, Mette Vangsgård, Claus Handgaard, Christina Capetillo, Toni Larsen, Jens Frimer, Søren Assenholt, Anne Mette Larsen and Jens Bohr.
Invited authors: Carsten Rene Nielsen, Laila Ingrid Nielsen, Marianne Larsen, Lotte Kirkeby Hansen, Thøger Jensen, Maja Elverkilde, Jens Smærup Sørensen, Rikke Oberlin Flarup and Sanne Flyvbjerg (in collaboration with Søren Assenholt).
Rylen in the Limfjorden is possible thanks to generous fund support