Please join us for our pop-up exhibition at the exhibition venue Kapellet in Roskilde.
We will show a selection of our work and will all be present throughout the opening hours.
It is open every day from 11am – 5pm.
The exhibition is arranged by Danish artist Jeppe Kruse.
The participating artists are:
Jes Wind Andersen
Anders Brinch
Marie Bancks
Susanne Schmidt-Nielsen
Jette Dalsgaard
Aske Siggurd Kraul
Gitte Svendsen
Pernille Pedersen
Jasper Sebastian Stürup
Mia-Nelle Drøschler
Jeppe Kruse
Peter Larsen
Sct. Hans Have
Bistrup Allé 36
4000 Roskilde
I will show my recent paintings and drawings.
I hope to see you.

Three paintings / Each painting: 50 cm x 40 cm / Acrylic on canvas / 2022