Oil on canvas
190 cm x 280 cm

In 2018, Mia-Nelle Drøschler embarked on a transformative journey in her artistic career when she was granted a prestigious residency at Bethanien in Berlin. This opportunity opened the door to a world of experimentation and creativity, allowing her to push the boundaries of her painting style.

During her residency in Berlin, Mia-Nelle’s artistry took a bold and exhilarating turn as she fully embraced the realm of abstract expressionism. It was within the vibrant artistic community of Berlin that she discovered her unique voice and found her true passion for this dynamic and evocative style of painting.

Inspired by the great German masters of abstract expressionism, Mia-Nelle Drøschler unearthed a new language in her art. Her paintings now speak through abstract expressive brushstrokes, capturing the essence of raw emotion and unbridled creativity. Working at an extreme pace and on a larger scale than ever before, she allowed her brush to become an extension of her innermost thoughts and feelings, resulting in an electrifying and captivating body of work.

With abstract expressionism as her guide, Mia-Nelle’s paintings are a powerful testament to the depth of human emotion, translated onto the canvas with vivid and dynamic brushwork. Each piece is a journey into the depths of her craft, inviting viewers to explore the vast landscapes of her imagination.

Oil on canvas
190 cm x 260 cm